
C. ‘Kacprowicz’ Casper

Charles Kacprowicz is the Author of: Article V ‘Unborn Child Amendment’, ‘Eleventh Nation—America Identified in Prophecy’, ‘Reclaiming America through Single Issue Federal Conventions’, ‘Countermand Amendment—the Missing Piece in the Article V Puzzle’, and ‘Defenders of the Unborn, Winners of Souls, Christian Patriots’. Charles is the Founder of: Citizen Initiatives, Ministry Channels Int’l, Internet Business Malls, Inc., and Markets Global USA, LLC. He has also authored numerous white pages.

Restoring Our Constitutional Republic

Turning 90,000 people to Jesus Christ

Fifty-three years ago, Charles prayed asking the LORD not to allow him to see death until he leads at least 1,000 people to Jesus Christ. The LORD did not give Charles 1,000 souls, instead He gave him 90,000 souls in seventy-four nations—each one confirming that he/she said the sinners prayer to become a Christian.

Restoring Our Constitutional Republic

He has been working for fifty-three years to restore our Constitutional Republic through Single Issue Article V Amendments that are to be initiated through Congress or State Legislatures. The Countermand Amendment has been his focus for many years. With it, Americans would be able to protect and restore our Constitutional Republic and Christian heritage by empowering State Legislatures to countermand and rescind laws and regulations that violate States Rights and/or our personal liberties, without altering our protections in the Constitution. The Countermand Amendment will allow State Legislatures to establish a Constitutionally correct balance of power between the Federal government and the States. The Federal government can rewrite a rescinded law or abandon it. If the government rewrites a law, it will have to do so in a way amenable to the States because it too can be countermanded.

“O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to everyone that is to come.” (Psalms 71:17,18)

“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3)

Today Charles is working to send the Gospel Letter to upwards of a billion people in one hundred fifty-six nations representing upwards of 60% of the families in the world. The Gospel Letter tells the story of why the Son of God (Jesus Christ) came to earth and how men can be saved from their sin through childlike faith in Jesus Christ. Each Gospel Letter includes a digital study Bible in eighty languages, search tools, Hebrew and Greek texts, Strong’s
Concordance, commentaries, Lexicons, Topical Concordance, and a two-hour Jesus Film in 1,759 languages.

In the United States, new converts are to be forwarded to participating Evangelical Churches, to follow up and disciple. Charles’ vision includes growing existing Churches and starting new ones in one hundred and fifty-six countries. The Gospel Letter reaches people in their workplace, at home, while traveling, and when relaxing. It reaches people on their wrist watches, cell phones, tabloids, and computers. It penetrates deep into every nation reaching
people the Church cannot. Ministry Channels’ cost for each new convert has been as little as thirty-five cents. The lowest cost per convert in any evangelical ministry. Based on recent results, Ministry Channels International is able to forecast as many as 100,000 people becoming Christians every month through the Gospel Letter. The Church, in 2,000 years, has
never had such an opportunity to reach the lost:

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)

Article V Unborn Child Amendment

Charles has been fighting for the Unborn Child’s right to life since January 23, 1973. He is the Founder and National Director of Article V ‘Unborn Child Amendment. The Unborn Child is the father’s heritage, America’s heritage and God’s heritage. The LORD is populating the earth and heaven with each new generation. When a child is aborted, future generations are never born, and God’s heritage is lost forever:

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance.” (Psalm 33:12)

The 1st Paragraph of the United States Constitution reads as follows:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

After hearing the news, on January 22, 1973, that the United States Supreme Court made elective abortions legal in its Roe vs. Wade decision, he addressed an outdoor audience at Akron, OH the following day. His message before the first elective abortion was performed:

“We must overturn Roe vs. Wade! . . . We must not give American woman the right to decide who lives and dies in America”.

Article V Single Issue Amendments

He has authored several books: UNBORN CHILD AMENDMENT; THE ELEVENTH NATION America Identified In Prophecy; RECLAIMING AMERICA through Single Issue Federal Conventions; and COUNTERMAND AMENDMENT – The Missing Piece in the Article V Puzzle. Charles has also authored numerous white pages.

Charles personally met with hundreds of State legislators in thirty-eight States. He has spoken before many State Government Committees and Caucuses, appeared on radio and TV talk
shows, has conducted prophecy seminars, been the guest speaker before two hundred audiences, and lobbied Congress on behalf of the Unborn Child Amendment and Late Term Abortion Bill twice vetoed by President Clinton. He has received support from United States Senators, State Legislators, Church leaders, and Pro-Life Groups. He also founded and hosted the radio talk show State Legislators Round Table.

Sixty-Five Years of Service and Ministry

Charles has served in the Church as Preacher, Evangelist, Elder, Deacon, Teacher, Jail Ministry Chaplain, Youth Director, and is a member of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. He has been recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine for founding one of America’s top five hundred entrepreneurial companies, has been licensed by the National Association of Security Dealers (NASD), and has been awarded the coveted “Authority Author” by Ezine Directories. He
presently owns and operates Markets Global USA, LLC, a company that focuses on ‘Market Niche Penetration Strategies’. He founded and operated Internet Business Malls, Inc. with 50 employees, operating in fifty States. The company’s mission was to create an online presence, exclusively for businesses, through interactive capabilities that defined Industries and subsets by eight digit SIC Codes.

rn in 1941, was married to his late wife, Joyce Roschy Casper, for fifty-eight years, has two sons and nine grandchildren. He’s a graduate of California State University, with 4½ years
of post- graduate work at Loyola Law School and Moody Bible Extension Studies. He is a service-connected disabled veteran and served honorably in the U.S. Navy from 1958 to 1964 (includes two years in Naval Reserves.)

To schedule special speaking events and/or teleconferences with Charles Kacprowicz contact:

Ministry Channels International
Reaching the Unreached
P.O. Box 523
Spruce Pine, NC 28777
(828) 385 2438